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Many take for granted the fresh water that comes from their faucets. You don’t often consider the source of your warm shower, convenient indoor plumbing or nice clean laundry. Where does it come from? Nearly 95% of our clean water comes from underground aquifers. We’ve written a lot about saving Florida’s natural springs and the reason behind this goes far beyond having beautiful scenery in a state that relies so heavily on tourism. After all, water is a limited natural resource and most surface water is connected to groundwater. According to wellowner.org, groundwater is responsible for as much as 50% of the water flow for natural bodies of water throughout the United States. That’s why it’s so important to conserve both our natural waterways and groundwater resources. September 11t is Protect Your Groundwater Day and we want to provide you with some useful tips to help you conserve groundwater and raise awareness for this important cause in September.
1. Avoid Contamination.
Human activity is one of the largest sources of groundwater contamination. Contamination is most likely to occur from improper disposal of hazardous substances, improper use of insecticides or fertilizer, improperly maintained septic systems or poor placed or constructed water wells.
TIPS: Be aware of how your action (or lack of action) affects your groundwater resources.
- Only work with companies that utilize environmentally friendly practices.
- Be sure to have your septic system inspection and pump-out completed regularly. (Every 3-5 years)
- Do not purchase a home without first getting a well and septic inspection.
2. Conserve your water.
According to the National Groundwater Association, Americans are the largest water users, per capita, in the world. Our use has reached nearly 79.6 billion gallons per day.
TIPS: With the largest amount of household water use coming from the bathroom, try to conserve bathroom wastewater.
- Take showers rather than baths
- Turn off the faucet while you wash your face or brush your teeth in the morning
- Install a low-flow toilet and other water efficient fixtures
At Crews Environmental, we consider what we do a stewardship for groundwater protection. Join us on September 11th, and every day, in protecting the natural resources that ensure our survival.
For more information on septic maintenance for water conservation, please visit: https://crewsenvironmental.com/blog/