Septic Tank Legislation: The Debate Rages On

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Crews Environmental

Septic Tank Legislation: The Debate Rages On

Table of Contents

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We recently noticed this Naples Daily News commentary that was published from one of the readers on June 23rd. The commentary addressed the newly imposed septic legislation (House Bill 1263) which allows counties the option to adopt septic inspection and pumpout requirements every 3-5 years. Costs associated range from $250-$500.  The commentary raises a number of discussions that we felt it necessary to address. There are a few different topics that we will educate you on individually below:

  1. “This bill ignores the true offenders of wastewater management and pollution which are golf courses and wastewater treatment plants.” 
    The sources of pollution in our waterways are multiple and complex. Putting the full blame on only two sources neglects to acknowledge the extent and complexity of this issue. Among many other contributors, poorly maintained septic tanks and illegal dumping by other polluters also should take partial responsibility for waterway pollution and toxic algae.
  2. “Other problems with this proposed ordinance will be illegal dumping of waste, huge unnecessary repair bills that some septic companies will try to scam people with[…]”
    It’s important to use only reputable, licensed septic experts when you have your system inspected or pumped. Just as you would when you buy any other product or service, research the company that you are considering for septic inspections. Reading reviews or requesting a tour of their facilities will help you understand how the waste they pump is processed.
  3. “I feel the environmentalists are missing the true offenders who are the golf courses and waste treatment plants. […] If this septic waste is such a problem, then let’s start laying pipe to eliminate trash tanks by hooking up to city sewers. I would rather pay an assessment to have city sewer and waste than throw away $400 every five years to salivating septic companies.”
    These sentences are very contradictory in nature and suggest that homes connect to city sewers, which are among the two the author listed as the largest contributors of environmental waste. A simple bit of math shows how much more expensive city sewer can be than septic systems. The initial assessment for hookups to city sewers typically runs approximately $15,000. This amount is in addition to future monthly bills of $80-$100 per month. Even at the minimum monthly water/sewer bill, less the cost of the assessment, that approximates$1200 annually – which far exceeds the $250-$500 for septic tank pumpouts every 5 years. Once connected to city sewer, you no longer have control over how your wastewater is managed.

Utilizing current infrastructure bears minimal cost impact for maintenance, as properly functioning septic systems can last for much longer than you will live in your home. It’s time to take responsibility and control over our own wastewater management and ensure that it is processed in an environmentally friendly way at an affordable price.

Crews Environmental is a responsible wastewater management and septic contractor. We pride ourselves on our environmentally responsible wastewater management practices and business ethics in dealing with our clients. If you have any questions about your septic system or the legislation related to septic pumpouts and inspections, please feel free to contact us.
