Septic Tank Maintenance

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Crews Environmental

Septic Tank Maintenance

Table of Contents

Septic System Maintenance is a vital part of ensuring successful performance of your onsite wastewater system. Schedule a septic tank pumpout, septic inspection, drain field repair or grease trap cleaning in Fort Myers, Lehigh Acres, Cape Coral, Punta Gorda and Naples.

Steps to Maintaining Your Septic System Properly

Maintenance of your septic system, (the tank and its components), includes:

  1. Having your tank pumped out on a regular basis.
  2. Having it inspected by a licensed septic tank contractor.

EPA Recommendation

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that septic tanks be pumped out every 3 to 5 years, however your frequency may be greater than this depending on several factors.  The most important factors include, but are not limited to:

  • Household Water Usage
  • Size of Septic Tank
  • Age of System
  • Usage of System

Because each of these factors is variable and unique to each household, periodic inspections are recommended to determine the condition of the tank and its components.