Leaky Septic Systems in Florida: How to Find and Fix It?

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Leaky Septic Systems in Florida: How to Find and Fix It?

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As a homeowner, you occasionally encounter problems with your Septic Tank in Florida. Typical examples include leaks in septic systems, gurgling sounds, and bad odor from the tank. Leaks in septic systems can occur inside or outside the tank and not in a specific place. There is no limit to where leaks can occur in the system. Read on to discover why leaks happen and how to fix them!

How Does a Septic System Work?

The septic tank works by allowing wastewater to settle. Septic systems separate solid matter and sediment from water by sinking to the bottom. Bacteria break down this sludge over time into more manageable components. The process also releases fats, greases, and oils. The surface of the water floats with scum.

Perforated pipes send the liquid effluent out after the solids have been filtered. Drain fields or leach fields are where these outlet pipes lead the water too. 

Slowly, impure materials are removed from effluent by soil and gravel in the drain field. Soil percolates the wastewater, removing all the bad stuff it contains. It includes bacteria found in human waste, i.e. coliform, which can cause serious health problems. 

Read More: Impact of Nutrients from Septic Systems

What Causes the Septic Tank to Leak?

Now that we understand its basics let’s look at why a septic tank might leak.

1. Delayed Maintenance

Delays in maintenance or Septic Pumping in Florida can be a major cause of leaks. It is recommended to clean septic tanks every three to five years. By doing this, solid waste is removed from the system before it can clog. Your tank size and water consumption determine how long it takes to clean your tank between septic tank cleaning & pumping. A four-person household with 1,500-gallon tanks should have them pumped every four years.

2. Damaged Pipes Between Tank and Drainfield

A septic system is composed of several pipes that connect each component. There are a variety of factors that can damage any one of these. This can also result in wastewater leaking from the system if they are not sealed properly. A common cause of damage to plumbing lines is driving over them or driving over tree roots growing around them.

3. Using Too Many Cleaning Products

A septic system depends heavily on the natural bacteria present in the tank. It would be impossible for our septic tanks to function properly without these natural bacteria. Too much cleaning product kills these bacteria, and the septic tank suffers. Septic tanks will also need to be cleaned more frequently if cleaning products are used excessively.

How to Tell if the Septic Tank is Leaking?

1. Odor

There is no doubt that a strong odor is one of the most telling signs of a problem. The smell is unpleasant and hard to miss. Whenever you smell sewage in your backyard, you need to have a professional come in and fix the problem immediately.

2. Soggy Backyard

There may be water seeping out of the ground surrounding a tank if the area seems damp. However, it is important to note that your sprinkler system can also lead to this. Before investigating a possible leak in a tank, make sure you rule out all the other possibilities. 

3. Vegetation Growth

Overgrown vegetation may indicate an underlying issue, although it is less obvious. Grass or vegetation will grow more in an area where a septic tank leaks than in an area without a leak.

4. Standing Water

During prolonged exposure to moisture, soil tends to compact. A tank leak can cause soil near the tank to settle as water leaks from the hole or cracks. When soil settles and drops, surface water can collect or stand from rainfall or irrigation systems.

Solutions for a Leaking Septic Tank 

1. Don’t Pump Out the Water

You should first avoid pumping water from your tank into your yard. Due to the possibility of children and pets walking through it, and the possibility that it could seep into a stream, this poses a severe health hazard. On the other hand, waterborne diseases can be deadly and spread rapidly between individuals.

2. Check for Damage

If there is any damage to the septic tank or drain field, inspect it immediately. There are several indicators of soil settlement, including holes in the soil. A licensed Septic System Service in Florida should inspect your system if you notice any signs of damage. Do not operate heavy machinery near drain fields or tanks when the soil is soaked.

3. Water Usage

After discovering a leak, it is usually preferable to use the least amount of water while the issue is resolved. By doing this, the amount of wastewater seeping from the leak will be reduced. In any case, it will only be a short-term solution that will lessen the problem but not completely alleviate it.

Environmental Risks of a Leaky Septic Tank

The environment and your health are at risk when your septic system leaks. In some cases, it can cause contamination of the local water table, resulting in contaminated drinking water.

Standing water can poison local plants and animals, and children are also at risk. These same standing waters can breed mosquitoes and other bugs, which spread disease and cause nuisances. The leakage of sewage into local bodies of water can also ruin lakes and streams.

Contact Us for Your Septic Needs

A leaking septic tank can cause serious health problems; it is always advisable to call in experts and fix the situation as soon as possible to avoid further issues. In case you notice any of the above signs or suspect a leak or blockage, Crews Environmental can help.

Crews Environmental offers septic tank servicing, cleaning, new tank installation, and Septic Tank Pumping in the Florida area. Contact us today for a quote.