Is a Septic Pumpout Incentive Needed In Florida?

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Crews Environmental

Is a Septic Pumpout Incentive Needed In Florida?

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[column width=”1/1″ last=”true” title=”” title_type=”single” animation=”none” implicit=”true”]We keep a close eye on the septic system news across the nation and have noticed septic pump incentive programs popping up across the nation. Most recently, we’ve noticed that Missouri has launched a “Get Pumped” program to help incentivize residents to maintain their systems with a septic pumpout. The program allows homeowners to benefit from cost share with aims to improve water quality and pollution from poorly maintained tanks.

Florida has attempted to amend some of the issues polluting our waterways on a county level by passing House Bill 1263, which puts responsibility on the county to regulate pumpout requirements via special incentive programs. We have noticed mixed feelings in response to this legislation, despite the awareness it could raise.

Perhaps a “get pumped” incentive of our own would encourage Southwest Florida septic tank pumpouts? It could be a win-win for both homeowners with septic systems and county governments.

If you’re not sure you can wait for a local incentive program, sign up for our newsletter and get a $25.00 off coupon for your first septic pumpout from Crews Environmental.[/column]